One-time pad in Javascript


Recently, I was doing some research on encryption for a project. I’ve used encryption libraries in past projects, but I’ve never written any actual encryption algorithms myself. And as the Internet does from time to time, I got sucked into looking around at the various algorithms. I came across an interesting encryption algorithm that I had never heard of. Apparently, it can not be cracked: the one-time pad.

This is the one that most movies reference when you see the spy guy with his little flip book of paper. He’d write down some random numbers he heard off the radio, or what have you, then burn up the page. It’s an incredibly simple algorithm, and that makes it very useful because you don’t even need a computer to do the encryption / decryption.

Watching YouTube videos without Flash


I’ve been trying to eliminate flash from my system, and one pain point I’ve run into is watching YouTube videos on the YouTube website. The videos play fine on an iPad or iPhone, but for some reason when I browse them on my desktop, YouTube really wants me to use the Flash player.

There used to be an HTML5 video option (set for the whole account), but I can’t seem to find it anymore. However, it seems that when you embed videos from YouTube into another site, the video can play just fine on an iPad.

Ordering iPhoto in Reverse Chronological Order


This is a very small thing that has been bothering me lately, and a benevolent voice from the void showed me how to resolve most of my woes.

I’ve noticed that everywhere photos are displayed on all my devices, the order is oldest to newest. It’s a very small thing, but I have photos from around the year 2000, and scrolling through 13 years of photos to get to a recent one started to bother me a bit.

Living Below the Line - Day 5


This year, I decided to take part in the Living Below the Line fundraising campaign. Living Below the Line aims to raise awareness about poverty by challenging people to live off of $1.50(USD) a day (the U.S. equivalent of the extreme poverty line). If you’d like, you can donate to my campaign or donate to the cause in general.

As you might have read in Day 1, Day 2, or Day 3 my strategy is to live exclusively off beans and rice for the next 5 days as that was all my $7.50 could afford.

Living Below the Line - Day 3


This year, I decided to take part in the Living Below the Line fundraising campaign. Living Below the Line aims to raise awareness about poverty by challenging people to live off of $1.50(USD) a day (the U.S. equivalent of the extreme poverty line). If you’d like, you can donate to my campaign or donate to the cause in general.

As you might have read in Day 1 or Day 2, my strategy is to live exclusively off beans and rice for the next 5 days as that was all my $7.50 could afford.

Living Below the Line - Day 2


This year, I decided to take part in the Living Below the Line fundraising campaign. Living Below the Line aims to raise awareness about poverty by challenging people to live off of $1.50(USD) a day (the U.S. equivalent of the extreme poverty line). If you’d like, you can donate to my campaign or donate to the cause in general.

As you might have read in Day 1, my strategy is to live exclusively off beans and rice for the next 5 days as that was all my $7.50 could afford.

Living Below the Line - Day 1


This year, I decided to take part in the Living Below the Line fundraising campaign. Living Below the Line aims to raise awareness about poverty by challenging people to live off of $1.50(USD) a day (the U.S. equivalent of the extreme poverty line.)

In the start-up world, making do with far too little is a way of life, and that particular challenge is something I enjoy. This seemed to be an interesting way to test my frugal / inventive skills while trying in some way to help a good cause. If you’d like, you can donate to my campaign or donate to the cause in general.

How to eat like a Vegan (Plant Based Eating)


The first thing I should say before any of this is: consult your doctor before you make any kind of health changes. However, keep in mind, most doctors are not trained in nutrition (and some nutritionist are just plain misinformed as well). Nevertheless, doctors can draw labs and tell you if you’re going to do something that would hurt yourself which, I am sure you would agree, is nice to know.

Are tween girls the profitable music demographic?


I am by no means a music industry veteran, but I’ve worked at a few music tech startups, and there is often this underlying theme from music industry insiders that tween girls are the target market. I’ve often asked why that is, or if there is any proof, and I am often met with a “well that’s just common sense” kind of answer.

It has never made logical sense to me, and all of my life experiences point in a different direction, but being a noob in the industry I just assumed I was old, and it was true.

The iPad - I was wrong.


A few years ago when the iPad first came out, I didn’t like it at all. And to be fair, compared to OSX there wasn’t much you could do with it. At the time you could watch movies and well… that was about it.

I cursed the thing with all my might for not being OSX, and I swore I would never own one.

Well, of course, I now have one. I’ve only had it for several months (its an iPad2), and I have to say it’s an incredibly capable device now. I can run my entire company from the device, manage servers, and even do emergency coding. If i didn’t need an IDE and compiler, I really believe I could only use an iPad and do everything I need to do.