NFT Blockchain
I’ve been getting a lot of people asking me questions about NFTs, Blockchain, and Bitcoin. I generally give the unhelpful advice:
Never invest in a business you cannot understand — Warren Buffett
It’s great advice, but, in technology, I think it’s becoming less useful over time. In 2022, it is difficult to fully understand a lot of what is out there. I mean, I am very interested in quantum computing and machine learning, but I wouldn’t say I fully understand it - and I’ve already invested quite a bit of my time in those subjects.
Fun with Binary Trees
This is another contrived post to test out my interactive coding scripts, and also to test making a d3 tree graph. While this post is probably not going to be enlightening, I hope it is somewhat entertaining.
One of my favorite data structures is the binary tree. It’s not the fastest at everything, but it does most things you’d need, and it does them reasonably quickly.
If you have a list of things that you need to sort, search, and also insert new items into, a binary tree is not a bad thing to consider. While it’s searching is nowhere near as fast as, say, a hash table and it’s sorting isn’t as fast as timsort - it’s versatility and simplicity make it one of my goto structures.
Using WebXR types in Typescript
I’ve recently taken my hand made type definitions for WebXR (for use in my Mesh Game Engine) and submitted them to DefinitelyTyped (DT).
Lazily, I hadn’t switched the game engine over to using the DT version. The definitions just got their first update from a new PR so it seemed like the perfect time to swap over.
There were a number of gotchas in doing so, so I thought I’d post about how I got it working and some pitfalls you might run into if you’re into this kind of thing.
Fun with Matrices
This post is a little bit contrived.
Since I’ve been playing around with 3D graphics and GPUs, I’ve become fascinated with matrices (and maths in general). On top of that, I’ve been looking for a reason to play with Jupyter Notebooks. I’ve become interested in literate programming as well - it seems like a fantastic teaching tool.
So instead of doing what I was supposed to be doing this lovely Saturday, I decided to try to write a super basic (non compatible) version of Jupyter Notebooks for Javascript posts (I call it Kale). I decided to write a simple post about using Matrices in Javascript to try it out.
You Don't Need All That JS. Diffy.
I find the simplest solution is often the best one. When it’s not, it’s often on the right path.
I’ve been helping a mate try to get his startup running. He is a seasoned (and exclusively) back end engineer who is now thrust into the new 2020 front end world. He hates it. He bemuses, “nothing makes sense and everything is overly complicated.”
Humorously timely, there as a video put out by the goto;
event: You Really Don’t Need All That JavaScript, I Promise. I really connect with the first part of the video, I think he does a great job of summarizing problems with modern “doing it the right way” web development.
Getting Makefiles Working on Windows 10
As you might know from some posts on here, I’ve been getting into 3D programming
- AR / VR / spatial computing as well as dabbling in machine learning and parallel algorithms using GPUs. For the past few years, I’ve been doing this on hardware from like 2011. I needed an upgrade, and I couldn’t find an offering from Apple that fit the bill.
So I’ve had to byte the bullet and leave the Apple ecosystem for the first time since… what… 2003. I’ll probably wind up on Linux, but for now I am using Windows 10 - at least until after I play Valve’s Half Life: Alyx.
WebGl, WebVR, Webcomponents Oh my
Now that I’ve started porting my Javascript game engine
to Go, I’ve started using the javascript version for some fun experiments.
The first one, you should hopefully see above. It’s the game engine in a webcomponent. I haven’t fully tested it, but it should work in the latest versions of the popular desktop browsers (on recent OSs).
I think putting the engine in a webcomponent is an intresting idea. It allows one to basically just do:
Go + OpenGL 2.1 + Shaders + VertexAttribPointer
Wow, that took a while.
I decided to port my little JavaScript + WebGL 3d game engine to Go. Everything was going along quite well until I decided to put together a little test renderer to see how it was all shaping up.
It’s fun to watch unit tests pass and all, but I wanted to see some 3d on the screen.
Go has bindings for OpenGL via cgo, and the library has a few examples of how to use OpenGL with Go. Unfortunately for me, both my Macs (and most Macs) only support OpenGL 2.1, and the example for OpenGL 2.1 is using a different pattern than I want.
3d Game Engine Retrospective
NOTE This is a work in progress. Demo links on here depend a lot on your system and video card. But give them a go - you’ll know if they work.
I’ve finished some of the key features of my little 3d engine. The list includes Basic Levels, sprites, sounds, and basic interactions between objects. Enough features to build a small game - which, arguably, is the hardest part.
I’ve started cutting down my original idea into some much smaller and far less ambitious. I figure if I can get a basic game out, then perhaps I can keep chipping away at the engine.
Running Physics in a Webworker
Anyone who knows me knows I wont shut up about this “game engine thing” I am working on. I admit it, I’ve been a bit obsessed.
The reason I am obsessed, I think, is because I get to solve problems that I’ve never really had to solve before. This weekend, for example, I need to make some sort of grid system (or binary space partition) to limit the number of objects I am tossing around in the engine - this kind of stuff never comes up in day to day life! It’s like a crossword puzzle for nerds.
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